What we do
Stable Empires is a partially on-chain tamagotchi-style horse-breeding, horse-training, stable-management, racing experience game that has decentralised user-owned racetracks.
Not just horseracing
In Stable Empires there are many roles that a player can take. It's not just about betting on races. The game offers multiple styles of gameplay, in which somebody may choose to never actually participate in a race and instead choose for a horse-breeding, horse-training or stable-management play that is both fun - and if done correctly: profitable!
Partially decentralized, gameplay protected
Because large sums of money will likely be involved in the outcomes of races, the results would be gameable by sophisticated parties if entirely everything were to be on-chain. Stable Empires is as decentralized and on-chain as possible to protect the outcomes of the races from manipulation.
And when we say decentralized, we mean it. Whereas many games offer tokens and player NFTs that are on the blockchain, the creators still own the house in which the players play. That, in our vision, is a form of centralization where the creators still own the most fundamental part of the game. Not very web3-friendly, and not very fun either.
Own the player, or own the house
We decided to do it differently. In Stable Empires, one can invest in a racetrack and maintain it to facilitate games for other players to play on. The game has a race-matching interface on which the racetrack-owners can put up their racetrack for people to choose. The owner gets paid part of the fee and with that create their own profitable business in Stable Empires.
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